Dare to dream, because dreams do come true! As a small boy, I would always dream of a future that was far beyond what I could see within my immediate surroundings. The dreams that I dreamt as a youth, are still manifesting today, because I refused to let go of them. One such dream, I am currently living now. When I was just a boy, there was a movie I loved so much. It, was "South Pacific" Bali High". I loved it so much so that I said, when I grow up, I want to marry an island girl. However, I went on to marry twice unsuccessfully, on my own accord and without seeking God. Having matured, I knew that if I really wanted to find "a good thing", I would need to depend on God to deliver and present her, just the same way he did with Adam, in the beginning. I tell you truly, that He really delivered far beyond my wildest imagination. Today, I celebrate 13 years with my island girl, and they have been without comparison to any other. The very...
In today's microwave society we often expect everything to be instant. This causes our process of decision to be skewed because we don't give place to reason. The end result of that is often times disastrous and even traumatic. The reason this happens is because there is a place in the very back of our minds that we tend to ignore. Our conscience which is a character building mechanism within our soul, is usually left out of the sequence of reasoning. Please everyone let us all do better in thinking consciously. "YOUR CONSCIENCE IS CHARACTER UNBORN" Ignite birth to good character!